Tactical Evangelism starts by making connections with campus ministers and local churches to better understand current evangelism needs, barriers to the Gospel, and desired end state.  From that information, we define the purpose, key tasks and resources required to equip and coordinating with those involved to launch a community-wide outreach event on campus.  We provide:

  • Prayer

  • Leadership

  • Tools and resources

  • Virtual & in-person training: Evangelism, chapter growth, event volunteer, and student follow-up

  • Help unite local resources & personnel

  • University apologetics talks

  • Respectful open-air evangelism

  • Post event contacts handoff for follow-up and long-term discipleship

Members of our team have evangelism event experience at U.S. Berkeley, Clemson, UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Greensboro, & UMaine- Orono. We are looking to be in Houston, TX spring semester 2022.