
Tactical Evangelism is a project under Equip International which is a 501c3 nonprofit. Our mission is relentless and only made possible through the generosity of people like you who believe in the importance of building disciple making communities and advancing the Gospel in dark places. Together, we can reach the lost. We humbly invite your prayers and tax-deductible gifts to make our ministry possible. Gifts help equip believers serving in difficult areas and put veterans back on mission.

"Being a husband, father, and missionary in high-risk areas requires situational awareness, not only for the safety of my family, but for those whom we serve.  Our mission requires a wise and strategic approach that Tactical Evangelism enhances.”

— Missionary, Africa

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Checks can be made out to “Equip International“ 

Attn: “Tactical Evangelism”
Mailed to P.O. Box 1126 , Marion NC 28752

In addition to Checks, Credit/Debit Cards and Bank Drafts, we also accept Stocks, Bonds and Monetary Legacy gifts.  Please send an email to to receive instructions for brokerage account.